Previous PRK post here (Day 3). Next PRK post here (Day 5).
After last night, anything would have been an improvement. I am feeling much better, a lot of the pain has subsided and I am starting to regain some near vision. As I am typing this I can even see what is happening on the screen! (After not being able to see the computer for several days you have no idea how much of a relief this is.)
UPDATE, HOURS LATER: Well I spoke to soon, the worst was still to come. I went to the doctor again at 2:30 for my 72 hour check up. Basically they needed to make sure that the protective contact lenses were not infected and to confirm that the epithelial layers had begun to reform over my eyes. The surgeon checked me out and informed me that I was ready to have the lenses removed. I thought to myself “sweet! get those things out!”. So he put a few analgesic drops in both eyes and I placed my chin on the little plastic chin rest. AND THEN without ANY warning he quite literally ripped the lens out of my left eye with a pair of tweezers. It was one of the worst sensations I have ever felt, right up there with a spinal tap and decompression sickness. It was as if little tendrils of my epithelium were being pulled out with the lens. There wasn’t any sound, but if there had been I imagine it would have sounded like velcro. The right eye was a bit better because I knew what to expect and he saw that I nearly lost my shit so he did a better job. To be honest I nearly passed out just thinking about my poor new cells being torn away. He said that he used drops to numb the eye and to help float the contact before removing it, but the office was so busy I don’t think he gave it enough time. Dear lord, kill me now.
Afterwards, my mom drove to Costco while I sat in the front seat with my head in my hands. I got out and blearily walked around using the cart as a support. Now that the contact is out my vision is supposed to be improving daily, but I still can’t see distance for shit. Close up is getting better, but my eyes are still so dilated- most things just appear a fuzzy light mess. I got lost in Costco and couldn’t find my mom. Very sad moment.
After shopping I was exhausted and slept in the car under a beach towel. Another sad moment. Got home and collapsed in bed at 5pm. That’s when you know you’re on a roll. Up for dinner a few hours later and I tried to watch some TV but just couldn’t stand the pain and the dryness. Tried to go back to sleep but after sleeping all weekend it’s the last thing my body wanted to do. After many hours I finally dozed off. What a fucking day.
2 thoughts on “PRK Surgery Diary: Day 4”