Previous LASIK post here (Day of Surgery). Read next LASIK post here (Day 3).

My mom woke up feeling much better- the burning pain was almost completely gone. She did have crunchy, sticky eye goop around her tear ducts and lashes (compounded by the tape on the right eye) which we did not attempt to remove for fear of dislodging her corneal flaps (better safe than sorry when it comes to eyes in my opinion). We went to the doctor for a 24 hour check up and he confirmed her vision at 20/20. Unbelievable. The doctor said to continue wearing goggles to bed for 4 nights and sunglasses whenever she goes outside for several months. Other than that, no issues- the “mistake” in her right eye wasn’t actually a mistake, and the tape was merely preventative.

Whereas I was bed-bound for almost 5 days following PRK, my Mom spent the entire day out and about around town the day after LASIK. She carried her drops with her and frequently applied artificial tears to prevent drying. Around 5 pm she began to get tired, and ended up returning to bed for a nap before dinner. She did complain about some strain and grittiness as a result of all the activity- in the end I think she regretted having stayed out the whole day. I would recommend taking it easy for a solid 24 hours to expedite healing.