Previous PRK post here (Day 2). Next PRK post here (Day 4).

Now this was pain. I wanted to write yesterday (Day 3) but was in so much agony, that there was just no way. Even with my eyes closed and sunglasses on I couldn’t bring myself to look in the direction of the computer screen. It was awful. My eyes were constantly streaming. I didn’t even want to get close enough to clean them with a wet washcloth to get rid of the crunchy bits and dried tears. What a nightmare. You seriously do take advantage of being able to wash your face without worrying about applying pressure or getting near your eyes. I tried watching a movie and the lights made me want to cry and burrow my head in the covers. I tried taking a big anvil (equivalent to 3 small anvils) that I had left over from my wisdom teeth surgery and didn’t find any relief whatsoever. As soon as I could I took another oxy which helped dull the pain. So my conclusion: oxy is effective, anvil is not.

This is how it went: I tossed and turned all night (day 2-3) but my eyes were painful, hot, stinging-needle balls. I tried sleeping in every known position, but nothing I did would stop the streaming. Finally the oxy kicked in and I got a few hours of sleep. I had to get up numerous times to put artificial tears in my eyes; I could barely see through the slits of my eyelashes.

I got up around 10 and lay on the floor under a blanket in the living room. I was not hungry, and lay there for several hours just enjoying my eyes not being utter agony. A friend went and got bagels from dunkin donuts and I lay on the couch for a while to eat them. Then my eyes started to get bad again and I had to go back to bed in my dark room. This was the pattern- I’d feel alright for a while, then all of a sudden shit would get really bad and I would just have to breath and try not to cry because of the stinging pain. I was able to get back out of bed again after sleeping for a few hours. I even walked around my apartment with my eyes closed just to get some fresh air. We ate dinner but I think the onions on the salad and the pizza must have set the pain off again because all of a sudden it was just terrible agony and I had to lay down. The saltiness of my tears mixed with the onions and the fading pain meds was unbelievable. Definitely the worst few hours since the surgery. I slept from 10pm on Day 3 to 11am on Day 4.