It’s been almost 4 weeks since I had PRK on both eyes and I thought I’d post some pre- and post-surgery tips for those of you considering getting the procedure. This list will probably go through a couple updates as I think of more to add…

  • Definitely, definitely bring someone you know and love with you on the day of the surgery. I know that it’s required to have someone drive you home, but it really helps to have a close friend or relative to give you support. Knowing you’re about to lay down under a laser that could potentially ruin your eyes is rough, especially when you don’t have someone you trust there to listen to the doctors and hold your sweaty palm.
  • Embrace the valium. I didn’t even have the option NOT to take it. It makes everything seem less intense and makes it easier to concentrate on the little laser light.
  • Bring a pillow and blanket with you in the car for after your surgery. Trust me the only thing you will want to do is sleep, especially if you go straight to a pharmacy to pick up your prescriptions. Target parking lot = sleepy time.
  • Have your bedroom all set up before you get surgery. Tape pillow cases over windows, unscrew lightbulbs. Do whatever you have to do to make your sleeping area a dark sanctuary. You will be spending several days in it.
  • Clear a little space in your fridge for all your eye drops. They feel so much better when they are cold. Make it easy for you to find each drop just in case you have to stumble around by yourself while your guardian is out.
  • Really try to give yourself 4-5 days to recoup. I know it’s hard to arrange that much time off, but trust me, you will NOT be able to work on a computer within this time frame.
  • Buy a pair of good sunglasses (i.e. spend more than $15). Don’t be cheap and waste a $4000 surgery because you developed retinal hazing due to crappy glasses.
  • Stop wearing make-up prior to surgery. How many days is really up to you, but the longer you keep your face clean, the less chance of infection. Eyelash bugs do not promote healing. Likewise, don’t wear make-up afterwards (if for some reason you even have any desire to touch your eyes, which promise me, you won’t).
  • Ice pack in the freezer. Do it now, you’ll want it later.
  • Try not to cook with onions for the first few days. I had some in a salad and they made my eyes stream uncontrollably.
  • Don’t panic if your vision sucks afterwards. I was very unsatisfied for almost 2 full weeks after surgery- things where blurry and light sensitive and all around nasty. Trust me, have faith in the process. Now, if after, say, 3 weeks there is no improvement, go see your doctor.
  • Wear your night goggles (see attractive photo above). They keep you from whacking yourself in the face while you sleep. No rubbing your eyes. Period.

To be continued…