Spicy Hummus

This is NOT your typical 5 ingredient hummus. This is a wake-up-your-tastebuds, eat-with-anything, mind-blowingly-flavorful dip that will put all other hummuses to shame. 

A note about ingredients: I very rarely measure exact quantities for my hummus recipe. Try to go by taste- you’ll find that your end product will be much tastier.

1 can chickpeas
2 tablespoons tahini
generous squirt of sriracha
generous shake shake of salt
handful of chives, chopped
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1+ teaspoon powdered garlic
1+ teaspoon cayenne pepper
1+ teaspoon red pepper flakes
3+ tablespoons cumin
2+ teaspoons coriander
2+ tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup+ olive oil
1 hot pepper from a jar, chopped (1/2 cup+)

  • Blend ingredients in a food processor, scraping the sides with a spatula several times. To make your hummus smoother, add more lemon juice, olive oil or leftover chickpea juice from the can.